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 Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur

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Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur Empty
PostSubject: Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur   Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur EmptyWed May 11, 2011 10:15 pm

Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur Minaj260x493

Nicki Minaj felt uncomfortable with Eminem's homophobic slur in their track "Roman's Revenge" but hoped her gay fans would realize he was "playing a role" and rapping as his evil alter ego, Slim Shady.

Minaj faced a backlash from fans last year after releasing the controversial collaboration, in which Eminem used a homophobic slur.

The "Check It Out" star admits she worried about including the line in the song and even asked her gay friends what they thought of the lyric.

Minaj tells Out.com, "You know, if I'm being honest, I didn't like (him using it). I spoke to everyone I knew about it. I spoke to my hairdresser, who's one of my closest friends. I sat him down and said, 'Terrence, what do you think about this? How does this make you feel?' And we had a long, long talk. And he said he didn't feel like Eminem was talking about a gay person. He felt like it was a word being used to describe a straight man, and he didn't take offense to it.

"It's Eminem -- I felt like we were creating a movie. And in the same way, I feel like if you were to watch your favorite actor or actress say [bleep] or say [bleep] in a movie, you don't hate them because it's like they're playing a role. 'Roman's Revenge' was more like a theatrical piece. I was a character and (Eminem) was a character. Of course, when it comes to creativity, there's such a thin line between creativity and something being offensive."
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Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur   Nicki Minaj was uncomfortable with Eminem slur EmptyWed May 11, 2011 10:43 pm

Shut up bitch
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