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 50 Cent Talks His Relationship With Eminem And Dr. Dre, Nicki Minaj's Ass

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50 Cent Talks His Relationship With Eminem And Dr. Dre, Nicki Minaj's Ass Empty
PostSubject: 50 Cent Talks His Relationship With Eminem And Dr. Dre, Nicki Minaj's Ass   50 Cent Talks His Relationship With Eminem And Dr. Dre, Nicki Minaj's Ass EmptyThu Jun 30, 2011 11:06 pm

50 talks about his mentors, and opines on Nicki Minaj's greatest asset.

50 Cent Talks His Relationship With Eminem And Dr. Dre, Nicki Minaj's Ass 12-50Cent_10_11_2010

in a recent interview on "Big Boy's Neighborhood" on radio station Power 106, 50 Cent discussed a gamut of topics, including the other two parts of Aftermath's "three-headed-monster," Eminem and Dr. Dre.

"You don't really expect to have someone come into your life... that you know has nothing but good intentions," said 50 of Eminem. "He made so much money selling records that he don't really have interest in a lot of the other stuff... So for me, they'll be asking me questions...about the deals I do away from music. For Dre, the big thing was the 'Beats,' the headset."

50 also touched on Dr. Dre, with whom he had a brief spat about becoming a potential competitor with Dre's headphone line. "I love Dre...Without 'In Da Club' and Dre's guidance on the first record...none of those other things would've happened!" explained Fif. "That's the biggest record of my career still! Dre can be difficult at times, and not intentionally. He can be on his own and in his world...like the [headphone thing], we had to clear that up face-to-face, me and Dre, personally." 50 stopped short of saying he was surprised that he was not included in the "Beats by Dre" headset line, but he did point out that Diddy was given an opportunity to get involved, which may appear odd as he is outside of the Aftermath family.

The Queens emcee was also asked about Nicki Minaj's ass, and whether it was the real deal. "I don't know. Does it matter?" he asked, before opining that many in the industry were guilty of getting butt implants.
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