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 Eminem Overtakes Lady Gaga As Facebook's Most 'Liked' Living Artist

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Eminem Overtakes Lady Gaga As Facebook's Most 'Liked' Living Artist Empty
PostSubject: Eminem Overtakes Lady Gaga As Facebook's Most 'Liked' Living Artist   Eminem Overtakes Lady Gaga As Facebook's Most 'Liked' Living Artist EmptySun Mar 06, 2011 2:43 am

By his own admission, Eminem "doesn't know how to work a computer," but that hasn't stopped him from overtaking Lady Gaga as the most "liked" living artist on Facebook.

Earlier this week, Em eclipsed Gaga to claim the title of Facebook's most-liked, as he currently counts more than 28,975,000 fans to LG's 28,926,000, according to Billboard. Eminem is currently averaging more than 500,000 Facebook "likes" a day, and could soon surpass none other than Michael Jackson to become the site's overall most-liked artist, according to Famecount, a site that tallies the "top social network stars worldwide." The late King of Pop currently has more than 29,183,000 Facebook fans, giving him a slight edge over the hard-charging Em.

Of course, when it comes to overall social influence, Eminem still trails both Gaga and Justin Bieber in total YouTube views — though he recently became the third artist to crack the 1-billion-view mark — and when it comes to total Twitter followers, his 3 million are barely enough to crack Famecount's top 20 musicians: Gaga is #1, followed by the likes of Bieber, Britney Spears, Katy Perry, Rihanna and, uh, Jessica Simpson.

Then again, all signs seem to point to Eminem's social media profile only increasing. He shows up in Dr. Dre's much-anticipated "I Need a Doctor" video, which premiered on Thursday, and just last week, he grabbed headlines when on-set photos from his upcoming "Space Bound" video — featuring porn star Sasha Grey — began making the rounds ... and just in case you were wondering, Grey has more than 110,000 Twitter followers of her own.
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